Official website of the National Trade Development and Promotion Organisation of Zimbabwe


Local companies urged to take advantage of Tete Province of Mozambique

By Lorraine Muzadzi

MOZAMBIQUE’S TETE Province is renowned for its natural resources, including coal, gold, iron ore, and gemstones.

The region’s mineral wealth has attracted significant investment and mining activity, contributing to its economic significance within Mozambique.

With abundant natural resources, including fertile soils and favourable climatic conditions suitable for agriculture, the province of Tete beckons Zimbabwean companies to explore its potential.

Agriculture plays a vital role in the province’s economy, providing employment and sustenance, alongside other economic activities.

To unlock access to the vast trade opportunities in the market, ZimTrade is organizing a trade mission to Tete Province, and Zimbabwean enterprises are encouraged to register and participate.

This initiative follows the successful engagement of Zimbabwean companies in a trade mission to Tete in 2023, where fruitful business linkages were forged, and market dynamics were comprehensively understood, enabling informed decision-making for future trade endeavours.

Leveraging the strong political ties between Zimbabwe and Mozambique, ZimTrade has identified Tete Province as a prime market for Zimbabwean products and services.

An analysis of trade statistics for 2022 and 2023, underscores the substantial trade flow between Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

In 2023, Zimbabwe exported goods worth US$398 million, indicating a 109 percent increase compared to the US$190 million worth of products exported in 2022.

Products exported in 2023 include tobacco, fresh produce, mining supplies, packaging materials, wood products, and seeds.

On the other hand, Zimbabwe’s imports from Mozambique primarily comprised petroleum oils and electrical energy, highlighting the economic interdependence between the two nations.

The forthcoming trade mission to Tete Province aims to capitalise on untapped opportunities across various sectors, including mining supplies and consumables, agricultural implements and inputs, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), building and construction, PPE, engineering services, and horticulture.

The province has several projects underway, particularly in housing and infrastructure construction, and Zimbabwean companies are poised to participate in joint tenders and supply essential materials and services.

While most companies in the province traditionally sources materials from neighbouring South Africa, Zimbabwean companies possess the potential to supply a wide range of products, to the region.

Moreover, in addressing Mozambique’s agricultural productivity challenges, Zimbabwean companies can offer expertise and products such as seeds, chemicals, agricultural implements, as well as fertilizers.

To enhance market penetration, the Outward Seller Mission will comprise of B2B in and around the Tete Province.

ZimTrade is working in collaboration with the Zimbabwean Embassy in Mozambique and the Consulate office in Beira for active engagement with local partners that will bolster awareness of Zimbabwean products and services in the Mozambican market.

As Zimbabwean companies chart their course into the market, strategic partnerships, compliance with local regulations, and innovative market penetration strategies are essential.

ZimTrade emphasizes the importance of long-term strategies and local partnerships to navigate the intricacies of the Mozambican market successfully.

In a rapidly evolving landscape of global trade, collaboration and innovation are key to securing market share and ensuring the sustainability of Zimbabwean enterprises.

Through concerted efforts and strategic initiatives, Zimbabwean companies can tap into the vast potential offered by Mozambique’s dynamic Tete Province, fostering mutual economic growth and prosperity.

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